Aim & Objective of the Union
As enshrined in the Constitution of the Union, there are aims and objects of the APSMWJU { Andhra Pradesh Social Media Working Journalists Union }. To safeguard and promote the interest and unity of working journalists, uphold the dignity and freedom of the press, promote and maintain the highest standards of professional conduct and integrity in journalism, strive for the betterment of the working and service conditions and wages of working journalists, address grievances of the working journalists, and uplift the social and economic condition of the working journalists can be worth mentioning.
The APSMWJU { Andhra Pradesh Social Media Working Journalists Union } is a collective of journalists and media professionals dedicated to advocating for the rights, fair treatment, and welfare of all those who work in the media industry. Our mission is to protect the integrity of journalism, promote freedom of the press, and ensure that all members have access to fair wages, job security, and working conditions.
Founded in 2024, we stand united to address the challenges faced by modern journalists, including job instability, ethical standards, and press freedom. Through collective bargaining, training, and advocacy, we strive to create a more equitable and transparent media landscape.
Our members include reporters, editors, photographers, broadcast journalists, and digital content creators, Social Media Journalists all of whom play an essential role in informing the public. We are committed to fostering a supportive and inclusive community for journalists of all backgrounds and experiences.
Join us in advocating for a free, fair, and independent Union.